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67D-Link DAP-2553 User Manual
Appendix B - Networking Basics
Statically Assign an IP address
If you are not using a DHCP capable gateway/router, or you need to assign a static IP address, please follow the steps
Step 1
2000: Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel > Network Connections
Windows XP: Click on Start > Control Panel > Network Connections
Windows Vista
: Click on Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage
network connections
Step 2
Right-click on the Local Area Connection which represents your network adapter and select Properties.
Step 3
Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
Step 4
Click Use the following IP address and enter an IP address that is on the same subnet as your network or the LAN
IP address on your router.
Example: If the router’s LAN IP address is, make your IP address 192.168.0.X where X is a number between
2 and 99. Make sure that the number you choose is not in use on the network. Set Default Gateway the same as the
LAN IP address of your router (